Bring Clarity and Insight to Your Investment Portfolio
MyCIOWorkbench is Delphin Investments’ proprietary asset allocation platform. It is designed to be used by asset owners, financial institutions, and registered investment advisors to analyze investment portfolios, monitor, and identify associated risk exposures across all asset classes.
By combining sophisticated investment and portfolio risk analytics with our capital markets expertise, MyCIOWorkbench is designed to help clients better manage their invested assets, portfolio investment risk and cash flow needs in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
MyCIOWorkbench provides clients with access to the intellectual capital, portfolio risk analytics, and investment platform that Delphin Investments uses to support its own investment management business.
At Delphin investments, we understand that investors need clarity and insight at every point in the investment process in order to make more informed decisions to achieve better investment outcomes. In the pursuit on this goal, we continuously refine and improve our platform to support our clients.
With MyCIOworkbench
At the center of your investment research you can realize the following benefits:
Proprietary analytics and models
A next-generation approach to modeling portfolios
Continual enhancement of models, analytics, and systems
A capital markets specialist with a depth of resources
Our commitment to delivering exceptional client service
Comprehensive Data – Access and leverage data from DI’s database
Asset Allocation Tools/Models – Identify optimal
asset-allocation policies and enhance forecasts of future performance.

MyCIOWorkbench has always been at the core of Delphin Investments. It was first built to manage Delphin Investments Asset Allocation portfolios and remains an integral tool for our multi-asset strategies. Through MyCIOWorkbench, the firm offers to clients the same technology and intellectual capital that DI uses to manage investments day-to-day.

MyCIOWorkBench for Wealth Managers
MyCIOWorkbench platform utilizes the portfolio and risk analysis technology used by Delphin Investments. The platform is designed for scalability and the simplicity needed to help advisors engage with individual investors efficiently.

MyCIOWorkBench for Family Offices
MyCIOWorkbench platform utilizes the portfolio and risk analysis technology used by Delphin Investments. The platform is designed for scalability and the simplicity needed to help family offices invest efficiently and improve their investment outcomes.

MyCIOWorkBench for Consultants
MyCIOWorkbench platform utilizes the portfolio and risk analysis technology used by Delphin Investments. The platform is a Global Asset Allocation investment software designed for consultants need for clarity at every point in the investment process in order to make more informed decisions, scale efficiently and achieve better investment outcomes.

MyCIOWorkBench for Institutions
MyCIOWorkbench platform utilizes the portfolio and risk analysis technology used by Delphin Investments. The platform is a Global Asset Allocation investment software designed for institutional investors need for clarity at every point in the investment process in order to make more informed decisions, scale efficiently and achieve better investment outcomes.